Christ the King & Holy Spirit Churches | 3010 E Chandler Ave, Evansville, IN 47714

Annunciation Catholic Parish


Watch to learn how the Diocese of Evansville is structured, funded, and how we work together with parishes in carrying out the ministry of Jesus Christ in Southwestern Indiana.

Diocesan Director Discussion   

Catholic Ministries Appeal Weekly Videos       CMA 2024

Bishop's Message for CMA

Neighbor to Neighbor Video

Red Bird Ministries Video

Savio Video

Order of Christian Initiation Video

Siena Video

Natural Family Planning Video

Diocesan Priests Video

Cursillo Video

Youth and Young Adult Ministry   

Catholic Schools

Hispanic/Latino Ministry



The diocese has established this link so you can continue your Sunday Giving.  If you would like to make a donation to Annunciation Parish, click the button above. Thank you for your generosity!

To donate by PayPal click here

Announcements for March

Good afternoon my sisters and brothers,

We have added weekday Masses at Christ the King Church for Lent: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 6 p.m. Thursday and Friday will be at 5:30 p.m. 

Stations of the Cross will be at 6 p.m. on Friday's of Lent.

Adoration will begin daily at 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Monday through Friday in the chapel at Christ the King.

Bible Study on the Gospel of Luke Mondays at 5:30 pm in the Parish Center. It is led by Deacon John McMullen.

Join us for a rosary before Mass at all of the weekend Masses. We begin twenty minutes before Mass starts.

Every Wednesday evening we have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 5 pm until 5:45 pm with confession and Mass starting at 6 pm at Christ the King Church.

Healing Mass and Service every Thursday. Adoration and Confessions at 4:30 pm followed by Mass at 5:30 pm with healing service immediatly after Mass.

You are in my prayers.  Thanks for all you do for our Parish.  May God bless you and your family. Jesus loves you. 

Fr. Benny


We are very excited to offer to our parishioners a free subscription to the online resource called Formed. You can think of it as Netflix for Catholics, but it has so much more than movies! Click here to learn more.

There's a brilliant series called The Search that I encourage you to watch and share with friends.

The Search | FORMED Leader Resources

Office Hours

Parish Center, Christ the King Campus
Summer Hours:
M-T 8:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. F 8:15 a.m. - Noon

Holy Spirit Campus Office
Please call ahead (812) 477-1738



Welcome to Annunciation Parish

Fr. Benny



Fr. Benny

 Welcome to the website for Annunciation Parish. While we are a new parish in the Diocese of Evansville, coming into existence on July 1, 2014, our community is filled with the rich tradition of the former Christ the King and Holy Spirit Parishes.

I am grateful that you have discovered our website and I hope that you will find here a resource for learning more about your faith and about our community. 

